

Michael Strauss
Managing Director, Senior Institutional Portfolio Strategist
Bank of America

Michael is a Managing Director and Senior Investment Strategist at Bank of America Private Bank. He is responsible for the development and execution of clients’ investment objectives, which include strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation, manager selection, and portfolio construction. Michael focuses on both the short-and long-term needs of endowments, foundations, charitable trusts and pension plans, helping them obtain clarity about the financial implications of missions and investment strategies. He works closely with the CIO office to bring top-down macroeconomic, asset allocation, and portfolio strategy issues to clients.

Prior to joining the firm, Michael held a variety of senior investment management roles at Commonfund for almost 20 years. He most recently served as the Executive Vice President, Head of Asset Allocation and Chief Economist, helping to develop the OCIO and Treasury business. Michael also held positions as a chief economist and financial market strategist with Sanwa Securities, Yamaichi International (America) Inc., and UBS.

Michael maintains a strong client following in the endowment, foundation, and overall investment world, with his most recent focus centered on raising and managing client assets. Michael has been a faculty member and speaker at the Treasury Institute for Higher Education (TIHE) and the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) Conference. He has also been widely quoted in the press and appeared on financial television programs for three decades.

Michael holds a B.S. degree with distinction from Cornell University and an M.B.A. with distinction from New York University.